GO FORWARD..!"...the SPIRIT that MOVES us..."
Wednesday, July 2, 2008SPECIAL EDITION July 1, 2008
Assalamulaikum. Welcome to all new members of IIUM Kuantan Campus. New place, new friends, new environment, but definitely all of us share one dream; to be successful in life and the hereafter. Being here, you had moved to another step forward in your life, and of course you are one step closer to your dream; but yet it all depends on you to make it real. Apart of being excellent in academic, you should explore and challenge yourself, especially your interpersonal skill. Facilitator Team is here and ready to guide you. In conjunction with Taaruf Week 2008, Facilitator Team is publishing our bulletin, Go Forward! Special Edition; specially dedicated for our first year students to introduce the IIUM Facilitator Team, or so called Faci Team. Read through this bulletin to know more about us, and you will fall in love. May Allah bless you. -EDITOR-
Some of our programs in the last session...
- Facilitator Training
- FST 1 & 2
- Basic Skills Training
- Enhancement Training
- Induction course
- Motivational programs SMK Bt Goh, SMK Mat Kilau, SMKIM2, SMART, SMKPPTM, SMK Tok Sera, SK Sg. Talam
- Summer Camp
- Leadership programs
- SMK Tok Sera, SMK Bt. Rangin - Visit to IIUM
7 years ago (in the year 2001)…
2 years living in Kuantan was sufficient for me to conclude that our society especially the teenagers in the East Coast were at the critical stage. Having seen a lot of cases in the hospital which involved this age group (as early as the age of 12) in various ‘fields’ of social problems like escape from the house, smoking, alcohol abuse, intravenous drug use and sexual promiscuity; made me think and ponder on the prognosis of the next generation. Surely, it would be a poor prognosis if this situation persisted without any intervention or effort to resolve and prevent it.
Realizing the urgent need of da’i, a few of friends with me agreed to establish a team which can be a platform for the students of IIUM Kuantan Campus to reach the community through various programs. Alhamdulillah, with little knowledge and experience as well as after all the obstacles and difficulties, we finally managed to establish a team called Facilitator Team (Faci Team) in IIUM Kuantan Campus. This team was the first non-Kulliyyah based organization established in IIUM Kuantan Campus.
Since the establishment, Faci Team was very active in organizing various types of programs including school motivational programs, leadership programs, summer camp etc. We had programs with the community in at least once per month. It was exhausting because at the same time we had to unconditionally concentrate to the primary responsibility as students. Nevertheless, it was a great satisfaction after each program; the indescribable feeling of having contributing something good for the development of the next generation, with the hope of this small contribution will be counted by Allah S.W.T as our good deed that will protect us from the hellfire.
Currently, I’m a Medical Officer in Pediatric Department in Hospital Muar. Even though I am no longer in Kuantan, but the spirit of Faci Team will always be with me. I will always pray for your success. Once you are a Faci Team member, then you’ll be one forever…InsyaAllah...
Board of Management Committee 2007/08
CC : Ahmad Safwan bin Mohamad (Y4, Medic)
Asst. CC : Mohd Firdaus bin Nazri Shaharuddin (Y3, Dietetics)
Asst. CC : Nurwahida bt Jamaan (Y4, Medic)
Secretary 1 : Ili Hazwani bt Mhd Zain (Y4, Medic)
Secretary 2 : Ahmad Afifuddin bin Abdullah (Y3, Medic)
Treasurer 1 : Ilman Hadree bin Idris (Y3, Dietetics)
Treasurer 2 : Muhammmad Azfar bin Ruslan (Y3, Medic)
Module & Training Coordinator
Muhammad Asyraf bin Amran :: Najwa 'Abidah bte Mohd Halim
Public Relation Coordinator
Mohd Rezuan bin Masran (Sci) :: Suhaili Naim bt Mustapa (Medic)
Research & Development Coordinator
Adam bin Abdul Razak (Medic) :: Azlina bt Johari (Medic)
Team Resources Coordinator
Noor Hafis bin Md Tob (Medic) :: Nur Amirah bt Abdul Alam (Diet)
Publicity & Information Coordinator
Md Iqbal Firdaus bin Jaimon (Audio) :: Nor Syahiza bt Abd Kadir (Diet)
Calendar of activities
July 2008
8 - 16th : Welcoming the new members
11– 12th : Kem Sihat SMKPPTM
19th : Seminar Kerjaya
August 2008
2nd : Facilitator Squad Training 1
15– 16th : I-Quest’08
September 2008
20th : Facilitator Squad Training 2
27th : Annual Mass Gathering
Go Forward! Crews:
Md Iqbal Firdaus Jaimon
(3rd year, Audiology)
Nor Syahiza Abd Kadir
(3rd year, Dietetics)
*any promotion on FaciTeam’s stuffs and ideas or suggestion on Go Forward!, please mail to iqbal99133@yahoo.com or syahiza@hotmail.com