Remarks by Chief Coordinator from GO FORWARD!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008---from GO FORWARD! special edition 1st July 2008---
Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The gratitude is always to The Most Greatness Allah S.W.T for giving us chance to feel His bounty. Salawat and salam for our beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. for his unconditional love to the ummah. Alhamdulillah, with the faith of Laailahaillah Muhammadurrasululla h and the effort of the previous generations to protect Islam, we are now able to feel the beauty of ukhuwwah, iman, and Islam.
Facilitator Team is among the earliest student organizations in Kuantan Campus. The idea of establishment is to provide a platform for the students to learn and get training on how to become a good facilitator, communicator, motivator, and listener. In other word, we aim to produce well-rounded Muslim students. We believe that the real field of war for the students is in the community. Thus, we try to reach the community through our various programs and our main concern is the youths. We aim to reduce the involvement of the youths in the social problems that are currently becoming worst. This is because they are the future backbone of the society and we really want them to lead the next generation in the right way according to the Islamic teaching.
The Team is a training-based organization. We train our members to become a good person who can communicate well, and facilitate others towards the betterment. So, our duty is huge, to make sure all the participating members are well trained, and able to move as da'i in the community. There is no place for sleeping members. There is also no place for the members who are not interested in contributing and sharing their efforts and energy to the development of the Team and community. This is because these aims are amanah to be held by all of us.
So, show your interest to join our programmes and show your enthusiasms to move together with us to fulfil the amanah. We will always monitor your progression.
Finally, the fundamental rules for all Faci Team members; the priorities should always be given to our studies regardless of however busy we are in whatever activities that we are involved in.
I hope all of us get rewards from Allah from what we do in our life.
Thank you. Assalamualaikum W.B.T.
AHMAD SAFWAN MOHAMAD (4th Year, Kulliyyah of Medicine)
---from GO FORWARD! special edition 1st July 2008---